Scheduled Task

General Task Commands

Available Commands

  • okff : One key freeze.
  • okuf : One key unfreeze.
  • ff : Freeze.
  • uf : Unfreeze.
  • es : Enable one setting item (wifi is available since version 6.2, cd (cellular data) is available since version 7.1, bluetooth is available since version 7.3).
  • ds : Disable one setting item (wifi is available since version 6.2, cd (cellular data) is available since version 7.1, bluetooth is available since version 7.3).
  • st : Show one toast.
  • sn 8.6+: Show one notification.
  • sp : Open the specified application.
  • su : Open the specified application by URI.
  • lg 7.2+: Print an ERROR level LOG. Under normal circumstances, there is no need to use it.
  • ls 8.7+: Lock screen.

Additional Parameters(Optional)

  • -d 7.2+: Delay execution, in seconds.

Internal Variables

  • [ppkgn] 7.4+: The previous application package name. Only available when the trigger is When Leave Applications, When Open Applications. Before formal use, you can use st [ppkgn] in related tasks to learn about the relevant content to reduce the possibility of accidents.
  • [cpkgn] 7.4+: The current application package name. Only available when the trigger is When Leave Applications, When Open Applications, When Unfreeze Applications, and When Freeze Applications. Before formal use, you can use st [cpkgn] in related tasks to learn about the relevant content to reduce the possibility of accidents.

Usage Example


  • okff: Execute one-key freeze immediately.


  • okuf: Execute one-key unfreeze immediately.
  • okuf -d 10: Delay 10 seconds to perform one-key unfreeze.


  • ff com.tencent.mobileqq: Freeze the application with package name com.tencent.mobileqq (QQ).
  • ff com.tencent.mobileqq,@5oiR55qE5YiX6KGo: Freeze the application with package name com.tencent.mobileqq (QQ) and package names in alias 5oiR55qE5YiX6KGo(My customization).
  • ff com.tencent.mobileqq, Freeze the application with package name com.tencent.mobileqq (QQ) and (WeChat).
  • ff com.tencent.mobileqq,, Freeze the application with package name com.tencent.mobileqq (QQ) and (WeChat) and (TaoBao).
  • ff -d 3600 com.tencent.mobileqq: Delay 3600 seconds to freeze app with package name com.tencent.mobileqq (QQ).


  • uf com.tencent.mobileqq: Unfreeze the application with package name com.tencent.mobileqq (QQ).
  • uf com.tencent.mobileqq, Unfreeze the application with package name com.tencent.mobileqq (QQ) and (WeChat).
  • uf com.tencent.mobileqq,@5oiR55qE5YiX6KGo: Unfreeze the application with package name com.tencent.mobileqq (QQ) and package names in alias 5oiR55qE5YiX6KGo(My customization).
  • uf com.tencent.mobileqq,, Unfreeze the application with package name com.tencent.mobileqq (QQ) and (WeChat) and (TaoBao).


  • es wifi: Enable Wi-Fi.
  • es -d 20 wifi: Enable Wi-Fi after 20 seconds.
  • es wifi,cd: Enable Wi-Fi and cellular data.
  • es wifi;okuf;uf com.tencent.mobileqq: Enable WiFi and execute one-key unfreeze and unfreeze the application with package name com.tencent.mobileqq (QQ).


  • ds wifi: Disable Wi-Fi.
  • ds cd: Disable cellular data.
  • ds wifi;okff: Disable Wi-Fi and execute one-key freeze.
  • ds -d 15 wifi;okff: Delay 15 seconds and then disable Wi-Fi and execute one-key freeze.


  • st Content: Send one Toast with content Content.


  • sn Title,Content: Send one notification.


  • sp com.tencent.mobileqq: Open QQ (package name is com.tencent.mobileqq).
  • sp com.tencent.mobileqq, Open QQ and WeChat (package name is com.tencent.mobileqq and


  • su [URI]: Try to open the specified URI (For reference: URI Schemeopen in new window).
  • su alipayqr://platformapi/startapp?saId=20000056: Open the Alipay payment code.


  • lg 10086: Output an ERROR level LOG with content 10086.


  • ls: Lock the screen.

Additional Parameters


  • Some triggers do not require additional parameters (if filled in, they will be ignored).
  • Some triggers can have additional parameters (optional).
  • Some triggers must provide additional parameters that meet the conditions, otherwise they cannot be executed normally.

Parameter Requirements

  • 打开屏幕时 :目前无附加参数。
  • 关闭屏幕时 :目前无附加参数。
  • 打开应用时7.0及以前版本必须附加 应用包名自 7.0可附加 应用包名我的列表(V9.2),如无附加,则打开任意应用程序均执行。在附加了应用包名的情况下,正常情况下,打开XX应用时会取消所有属于离开XX应用时已部署但尚未执行的延时任务。
  • 离开应用时 :可附加 应用包名我的列表 (V9.2),如无附加,则离开任意应用程序均执行。在附加了应用包名的情况下,正常情况下,离开XX应用时会取消所有属于打开XX应用时已部署但尚未执行的延时任务。
  • 解冻应用时 :可附加 应用包名 ,如无附加,则解冻任意应用程序均执行。
  • 冻结应用时 :可附加 应用包名 ,如无附加,则冻结任意应用程序均执行。


  • 应用包名 :例如 com.tencent.mobileqq
  • 我的列表 :例如 @5oiR55qE5YiX6KGo


  • 选择 打开应用时 ,附加参数填写 com.tencent.mobileqq ,则会在运行 QQ 时执行预设置的 任务
  • 选择 打开应用时 ,附加参数填写 com.tencent.mobileqq, ,则会在运行 QQ微信 时执行预设置的 任务
  • 选择 打开应用时 ,附加参数填写 com.tencent.mobileqq,@5oiR55qE5YiX6KGo ,则会在运行 QQ存在于别名为 5oiR55qE5YiX6KGo 的列表中的应用程序 时执行预设置的 任务
  • 选择 打开应用时 ,附加参数填写 当前使用的桌面的包名 ,则会在 返回桌面 时执行预设置的 任务
  • 选择 离开应用时 ,附加参数不填写任何内容,则会在 离开任意应用程序 时执行预设置的 任务